Registro único de beneficiarios finales – RUB – Pronto Vencimiento.
La Ley 2155 de 2021 modificó el artículo 631-6 del ET para crear el registro único de beneficiarios finales –RUB–, el cual hará parte integral
Across almost every sector, businesses are feeling the growing impact of regulation. In the financial services sector, for example, the light touch regulation of the pre-crisis era has been replaced with a new attitude to capital buffers and remuneration packages. In the energy sector, technology innovation and climate change mean new regulations are coming thick and fast. And in the life sciences, pharmaceutical companies need regulator approval to see returns on the billions they invest in developing new products.
La Ley 2155 de 2021 modificó el artículo 631-6 del ET para crear el registro único de beneficiarios finales –RUB–, el cual hará parte integral
Teniendo en cuenta que se ha generado confusión entre los Contribuyentes en la interpretación del At. 34 de la Resolución 85 expedida por la DIAN
Boletines · Mayo 20-2022 Modifican el decreto único reglamentario en materia Tributaria · Tarifa de retención por dividendos · Amplían Plazo Implementación documento equivalente electrónico
El Régimen de Precios de Transferencia se encuentra alineado a los estándares internacionales establecidos por la Acción 13 del proyecto BEPS OCDE/G20 adaptando el alcance
Across almost every sector, businesses are feeling the growing impact of regulation. In the financial services sector, for example, the light touch regulation of the pre-crisis era has been replaced with a new attitude to capital buffers and remuneration packages. In the energy sector, technology innovation and climate change mean new regulations are coming thick and fast. And in the life sciences, pharmaceutical companies need regulator approval to see returns on the billions they invest in developing new products.
In recent years, the rislis posed by transfer pricing have demanded increasing attention from the tax administrations of Latin American and the Caribbean countries.
Below are some considerations on the new cause for dissolution due to non-compliance with the going concern hypothesis (GCH)...
Al igual que en el Impuesto a la renta y el Impuesto de industria y comercio, en el Impuesto...ce your subtitle here.
El 17 de diciembre de 2020, el Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Público emitió...
… de la documentación comprobatoria, año gravable 2020 y fracción de 2021.
“El artículo 20-1 del Estatuto Tributario establece...Place your subtitle here.
FSC’s commitment to responsible business is rooted in our Purpose. Our Purpose defines who we are and why we exist. Our Shared Values describe how we live our Purpose, and our Global Principles of Business Conduct explain our ethical commitments. This document outlines the responsible business principles we believe in and the commitments we have made. These are embedded in our policies and inform our decision making.